


Mason, R.P. Trace Metals in Aquatic Systems. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 431 pp More.

 Book Chapters (last 5 years)

  1. Chen, C.Y., Mason, R.P., Lohmann, R., Muir, D. 2023. Chemical pollution and the ocean. In: Oceans and Human Health: Opportunities and Impacts, 2nd,, Fleming, L.E. et al. (Eds.), Chapter 13, Elsevier, 351-426.
  2. Baumann, Z., Jonsson, S., Mason, R.P. 2019. Geochemistry of Mercury in the Marine Environment, Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, 3rd Edition, Ch 11096 here
  3. Mason, R.P. Mercury and Lead. 2015. In Issues in Environmental Science and Technology, R.M. Harrison and R.E, Hester (Eds.), vol 40 (Still Only One Earth), Chapt. 8, pp. 107-149.
  4. Mason, R.P. 2012. Oceanic fate and transport of chemicals. In: Meyers, R.A. (Ed.), Earth and Environmental Science section, Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Springer, pp. 7393-7430.
  5. Mason, R.P. 2012. The methylation of metals and metalloids in aquatic systems. In: Methylation, InTech Publications, pp. 271-301.
  6. Mason, R.P. 2012. A framework for a mercury monitoring and assessment program: Synthesis and future research. In: Bank, M. (Ed.), Mercury in the Environment, Chapter 6, UC Press, Chapter 6, pp. 81-96.

 Peer –Reviewed Journal Articles (last 7 years)

Full citations available at Google Scholar

  1. Gosnell, K., Mazrui, N., Mason, R.P. 2024. Properties influencing algae uptake of mercury and methylmercury from estuarine sediments. Poll. 346: Art. # 123604. See here
  2. Hansen, G., Shumway, S.E., Mason, R.P., Baumann, Z. 2024. A comparative study of mercury bioaccumulation in bivalve molluscs from a shallow estuarine embayment. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 86: 262-273. See here
  3. Seelen, E.A., Liem-Nguyen, V., Wünsch, U., Baumann, Z., Mason, R.P., Skyllberg, U., Björn, E. 2023. Dissolved organic matter thiol concentrations determine methylmercury bioavailability across the terrestrial-marine aquatic continuum. Nature Communications 14: Art. # 6728. See here
  4. Barrett, L.J., Vlahos, P., Hammond, D.E., Mason, R.P. 2023. Sediment-water fluxes of inorganic carbon and nutrients in the Pacific Arctic during the sea ice melt season. Cont. Shelf Res. 268: Art. # 105116. See here
  5. Liu, M., Mason, R.P., Vlahos, P., Whitney, M., Zhang, Q., Warren, J., Wang, X., Baumann, Z. 2023. Riverine discharge fuels the production of methylmercury in a large temperate estuary. Environ. Sci. Technol. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.3c00473. See here
  6. Mason, R.P., Buckman, K.L., Seelen, E.A., Taylor, V.T., Chen, C.Y. 2023. An examination of the factors influencing the bioaccumulation of methylmercury at the base of the estuarine food web. STOTEN. 866: Art. # 163996.
  7. Despins, M.C., Mason, R.P., Aguilar-Islas, Hammerschmidt, C.R., Newell, S.E. 2022. Linked mercury methylation and nitrifications across oxic sub-polar regions. Frontiers in Environ. Chem., DOI: 10.23389/fenvc.2023.1109537. See here
  8. Fisher, J.A., Fostier, A.H., Guerrero, S., Guimares, J.R.D., Labuschagne, C., Leaner, J.J., Martin, L.G., Mason, R.P., Somerset, V.S., Walters, C. 2023. A synthesis of mercury research in the Southern Hemisphere, Part 2: Anthropogenic perturbations. Ambio, 52: 918-937. See here
  9. Schneider, L., Fisher, J.A., Dieguez, M.C., Fostier, A.H., Guimares, J.R.D., Leaner, J.J., Mason, R.P. 2023. A synthesis of mercury research in the Southern Hemisphere, Part 1: Natural processes. Ambio 52: 897-917. See here
  10. Jonsson, S., Michelle G. Nerentorp Mastromonaco, Gardfeldt, Mason, R.P. 2022. Distribution of total mercury and methylated mercury species in central Arctic Ocean Water and Ice. Marine Chemistry 242: Art. # 104105.
  11. Dastoor, A., Angot, H., Bieser, J., Christensen, J., Douglas, T., Heimbürger-Boavida, L-E., Jiskra, M., Mason, R.P., McLagan, D., Obrist, D., Outridge, P., Petrova, M., Ryjkov, A., St. Pierre, K., Schartup, A., Sørensen, A., Travnikov, O., Toyota, K., Wilson, S., Zdanowicz, C. 2022. Arctic Mercury Cycling. Nature Reviews – Earth & Environment 3(4): 270-286.
  12. Mason, R.P, Coulibaly, M., Hansen, G., Inman, H., Myer, P.K, Yao, K.M. 2022. An examination of the mercury levels in the coastal environment and fish of Cote d’Ivoire. Chemosphere 300: Art. #134609.
  13. He, Y., Shi, X., Huffman, W.W., Lamborg, C.H., Mason, R.P. 2022. Description of a Dimethylmercury Automatic Analyzer for the High-Resolution Measurement of Dissolved Gaseous Mercury Species in Surface Ocean Waters. Sci. Technol. 56(18): 13076-13084.
  14. Shi, X., Zhao, J., Wang, Y., Mason, R.P. 2021. The transformation of inorganic and methylmercury in the presence of L-cysteine capped CdSe nanoparticles. Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry # 762052; DOI: 10.3389/fenvc.2021.762052. See here
  15. Blanchfield, P.J., Rudd, J.W.M., Hrenchuk, L.E., Amyot, M., Babiarz, C.L., Beaty, K.G., Bodaly, R.A., Branfireun, B.A., Gilmour, C.C., Graydon, J.A., Hall, B.D., Harris, R.C., Heyes, A., Hintelmann, H., Hurley, J.P., Kelly, K.A., Krabbenhoft, D.P., Lindberg, S.E., Mason, R.P., Paterson, M.J., Podemski, C.L., Sandilands, K.A., Southworth, G.R., St. Louis, V.L., Tate, L.S., Tate, M.T. 2021. Experimental evidence for the recovery of mercury-contaminated fish. Nature org/10.1038/s41586-021-04222-7. See
  16. Gosnell, K., Dam, H.G., Mason, R.P., Mercury and methylmercury uptake and trophic transfer from marine diatoms to copepods and field collected zooplankton. 2021. Marine Environmental Research 170 Art. # 105446.
  17. Coulibaly, M., Mazrui, N.M., Jonsson, S., Mason, R.P. Abiotic reduction of mercury(II) in the presence of sulfidic mineral suspensions. Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry 2: Art. # 660058. See CoulibalyFEC21
  18. Seelen, E.A., Chen, C.Y., Balcom, P.H., Buckman, K.B., Taylor, V.F., Mason, R.P. 2021. Historic contamination alters mercury sources and cycling in temperate estuaries relative to uncontaminated sites. Wat. Res. 190: Art. # 116684. See SeelenWR20
  19. Buckman, K.B., Mason, R.P., Seelen, E.A., Buckman, K.B., Taylor, V.F., Balcom, P.H., Chipman, J., Chen, C.Y. 2021. Patterns in forage fish mercury concentrations across Northeast US estuaries. Environ. Res. 194, Art # 110629. See BuckmanER21
  20. He, Y., Mason, R.P. 2021. Comparison of reactive gaseous mercury measured by KCl-coated denuders and cation exchange membranes during the Pacific GEOTRACES GP15 expedition. Atmos. Environ. 244,  Art. #117973. See here
  21. Liu, M., He, Y., Baumann, Z., Zhang, Q., Jing, X., Mason, R.P., Xie, H., Shen, H., Chen, L., Zheng, W., Wang, X. 2020. The impact of the Three Gorges Dam on the fate of metal contaminants across the river-ocean continuum. Water Research 185: Art # 116295. here
  22. Anatone, K., Baumann, Z., Mason, R.P., Hansen, G., Chernoff, B. 2020. Century-old mercury pollution: Evaluating the impacts on local fish from the eastern United States. Chemosphere 259: Art.# 127484. here
  23. Huffman, W.W., Dam, H.G., Mason, R.P., Baumann, Z. 2020. Formalin-preserved zooplankton are not reliable for historical reconstructions of methylmercury bioaccumulation. Science of the Total Environment 738: Art.# 139803. here
  24. Mason, R.P. (2020). Grand Challenge for Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry—Inorganic Pollutants. Front. Environ. Chem. 1:2. doi: 10.3389/fenvc.2020.00002. Read the article here
  25. Wang, X., Seelen, E.A., Mazrui, N.M., Kerns, P., Suib, S.L., Zhao, J., Mason, R.P. (2019). The interaction of mercury and methylmercury with chalcogenide nanoparticles. Environmental Pollution 255, Art. # 113346. See here
  26. Wang, F., Outridge, P.M., Feng, X., Meng, B., Heimbürger-Boavida, L-E., Mason, R.P. (2019). How closely do mercury trends in fish and other aquatic wildlife track those in the atmosphere?–Implications for evaluating the effectiveness of the Minamata Convention. STOTEN 674, 58-70. see here
  27. Buckman, K.L., Seelen, E.A., Mason, R.P., Balcom, P.H., Taylor, V.F., Ward, J.E., Chen, C.Y. (2019). Sediment organic carbon and temperature effects on methylmercury concentration: A mesocosm experiment. STOTEN 666: 1316-1326.
  28. Mason, R.P., Baumann, Z., Hansen, G., Yao, K.M., Coulibaly, M., Coulibaly, S. (2018). An assessment of the impact of artisanal and commercial gold mining on mercury and methylmercury levels in the environment and fish in Cote d’Ivoire. STOTEN 665: 1158-1167
  29. Liu, M., Zhang, Q., Ge, S., Mason, R.P., Luo, Y., He, Y., Xie, H., Sa, R., Chen, L., Wang, X. (2018). Rapid increase in the lateral transport of trace elements induced by soil erosion in major karst regions in China. Environ. Sci. Technol. here
  30.  Taylor, V.F., Buckman, K.L., Seelen, E.A., Mazrui, N.M., Balcom, P.H., Mason, R.P., Chen, C.Y. (2018).  Environ. Poll. 246: 639-649
  31. DiMento, B.P., Mason, R.P., Brooks, S., Moore, C. (2018). The impact of sea ice on the air-sea exchange of mercury in the Arctic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part I DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2018.12.001. Access the paper here
  32.  Mason, R. P., Soerensen, A.L., DiMento, B.P., Balcom, P.H. (2018). The global marine selenium cycle: Insights from measurements and modeling. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 32 (12),
  33. Liu, M., Chen, L., He, Y., Baumann, Z., Mason, R.P., Shen, H., Yu, H., Zhang, W., Zhang, Q. 2018. Impacts of farmed fish consumption and food trade on methylmercury exposure in China. Environment International 120: 333-344
  34. Outridge, P.M., Mason, R.P., Wang, F., Guerrero, S., Heimbürger-Boavida, L-E. Updated global and oceanic mercury budgets for the United Nations Global Mercury Assessment 2018. Environ. Sci. Technol. 52, 11466-11477.
  35. Chen.Y.,, , , C.S., , D.A., , H., , S.E., , , R.P., , D., , H., , N.E., &Environ. Sci. Technol., DOI: 10.1021/ace.est.8b02286, 2018.
  36. Liu, M., Y. H, , , , , , , , , & Traditional Tibetan medicine induced high methylmercury exposure level and environmental mercury burden in Tibet, China. Environ. Sci. Technol., DOI: 10.1021/ace.est.8b01754, 2018.
  37. Seelen, E., Massey, G., & Mason, R. The role of sediment resuspension on estuarine suspended particulate mercury dynamics. Environmental Science and Technology, 52 (6): 3375-3383, 2018.
  38. Liu, M., Zhang, Q., Yao, L., Mason, R., Ge, S., He, Y., & others. Impact of Water-induced Soil Erosion on the Terrestrial Transport and Atmospheric Emission of Mercury in China. 2018. Environmental Science and Technology 52: 6945-6956
  39. Mazrui, N.M., Seelen, E., King’ondu, C.K., Thota, S., Awino, J., Rouge, J., Zhao, J., Mason, R.P. 2018. The precipitation, growth and stability of mercury sulfide nanoparticles in the presence of marine dissolved organic matter. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts doi: C7EM00593H
  40. Shi, X., Mason, R.P., Charette, M., Cai, P., Mazrui, N.M.. 2017. Mercury flux from salt marsh sediments: Insights from a comparison between 224Ra/228Th disequilibrium and core incubation methods. Geochimica Cosmoschim. Acta 222: 556-583 (doi:
  41. Porter, E., Sanford, L., Mason, R.P., Porter, S. 2017. STURM: Resuspension Mesocosms With Realistic Bottom Shear Stress And Water Column Turbulence For Benthic-Pelagic Coupling Studies: Design and Applications. JEMBE 499: 35-50.
  42. DiMento, B.P., Mason, R.P. 2017. Factors controlling the photochemical degradation of methylmercury in coastal and oceanic waters. Mar. Chem.
  43. Buckman, K., Taylor, V., Broadley, H., Hocking, D., Balcom, P.H., Mason, R.P.islow, P., Chen, C. 2017. Methylmercury bioaccumulation in an urban estuary: Delaware River, USA. Est. Coasts DOI: 10.1007/s12237-017-0232-3.
  44. Kocman, D., Wilson, S.J., Amos, H.M., Telmer, K.H., Steenhuisen, F., Sunderland, E.M., Mason, R.P., Outridge, P., Horvat, M. 2017. Towards an assessment of the global inventory of present-day mercury releases to freshwater aquatic environments. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, DOI:10.3390/ijerph14020138.
  45. Mason, R.P., Hammerschmidt, C.R., Lamborg, C.H., Bowman, K.L., Swarr, G.J., Shelley, R.U. 2017. The air-sea exchange of mercury in the low latitude Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Deep-Sea Res., DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2017.01.paper.
  46. Gosnell, K.J., Balcom, P.H., Tobias, C.T., Gilhooly III, W.P., Mason, R.P. 2017. Spatial and temporal trophic transfer dynamics of mercury and methylmercury into zooplankton and phytoplankton of Long Island Sound. Limnol. Oceanogr., DOI: 10.1002/lno.10490
  47. Baumann, Z., R.P. Mason, D.O. Conover, P.H. Balcom, C.Y. Chen, K.L. Buckman, N.S. Fisher, H. Baumann. 2016. Mercury bioaccumulation increases with latitude in a coastal marine fish (Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia). J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0396
  48. Mason, R.P. 2016. Uncovering the mysteries of marine mercury. Scientia
  49. Jonsson, S., N.M. Mazrui and R.P. Mason. 2016. Dimethylmercury formation mediated by inorganic and organic reduced sulfur surfaces. Nature-Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep27958.
  50. Mazrui, N. M., S. Jonsson and R.P. Mason. 2016. Enhanced availability of mercury bound to organic matter for methylation in marine sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 194: 153-162.
  51. Chakraborty, P., R.P. Mason, S. Jayachandran, K. Vudumala, K. Armoury, A. Sarkar, S. Chakraborty, P. Bardham and R. Naik. 2016. Effects of bottom water oxygen concentrations on mercury distribution and specaition in sediments below the oxygen minimum zone of the Arabian Sea. Marine Chemistry, 186: 24-32.
  52. Sunderland, E.M., C. Driscoll, J. Hammitt, P. Grandjean, J. Evans, J. Blum, C. Chen, D, Evers, D. Jaffe, R.P. Mason, S. Goho and W. Jacobs. 2016. Benefits of regulating hazardous air pollutants from coal and oil-fired utilities in the United States. Environ. Sci. Technol. 55: 2117-2120.
  53. Chen, C. Y., Driscoll, C. T., Lambert, K. F., Mason, R., Sunderland, E. M. 2016. Connecting mercury science to policy: from sources to seafood. Reviews on Environmental Health 31: 17-20.
  54. Ndu, U., T. Barkay, A.T. Schartup, R.P. Mason and J.R. Reinfelder. 2016. The effect of aqueous speciation and cellular ligand binding on the biotransformation and bioavailability of methylmercury in mercury-resistant bacteria. Biodegradation 27(1): 29-36.
  55. Amos, H.M., J.E. Sonke, D. Obrist, N. Robins, N. Hagan, H.M. Horowitz, R.P. Mason, M. Witt, I. Hedgecock, E.S. Corbitt and E.M. Sunderland. 2015. Observational and modeling constraints on global anthropogenic enrichment of mercury.  Environ. Sci. Technol.49: 4036-4047.
  56. Schartup, A.T., P.H. Balcom, A.L. Soerensen, K.J. Gosnell, R.S. D. Calder, R.P. Mason and E.M. Sunderland. 2015. Freshwater discharges drive high levels of methylmercury in Arctic marine biota. PNAS, 112 (38) 11789-11794; DOI:1073/pnas.1505541112.
  57. Gosnell, K, P Balcom, V Ortiz, B DiMento, A Schartup, R Greene and RP Mason. 2016. Seasonal cycling and transport of mercury and methylmercury in the estuarine turbidity maximum of the Delaware Estuary. Aq. Geochem. DOI: 10.1007/s10498-015-9283-x.
  58. Gosnell, K. and R.P. Mason. 2015. Mercury and methylmercury incidence and bioaccumulation in plankton from the central Pacific Ocean. Mar. Chem. 177: 772-780; DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2015.07.005.
  59. Balcom, P.H., Amina T. Schartup, Robert P. Mason, and Celia Y. Chen. 2015. Pathways of methylmercury transfer to the water column across multiple estuaries. Mar. Chem. 177: 721-730.
  1. Ortiz, VL, Mason RP and Ward, JE. 2015. An examination of the factors influencing mercury and methylmercury particulate distributions, methylation and demethylation rates in laboratory produced marine snow. Mar. Chem., 177: 753-762; DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2015.07.006.
  2. Liu, B., L.A. Schaider, R.P. Mason, J.P. Shine, N.N. Rabalais and D.B. Senn. 2015. Controls on methylmercury accumulation in northern Gulf of Mexico sediments. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 159: 50-59.
  3. Schartup, A.T., U. Ndu, R.P. Mason, and E.M. Sunderland. 2015. Contrasting effects of marine and terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter on mercury speciation and bioavailability in seawater. Environ. Sci. Technol., 49 (10): 5965-5972; DOI: 10.1021/es506274x.
  4. Doyle, J, Mason, RP and Ward JE. 2015. Exposure of bivalve shellfish to titania nanoparticles under an environmental-spill scenario: Encounter, ingestion, and egestion. J Mar Biol Assoc UK, DOI: 10.1017/S0025315415001174.
  5. Doyle, J, Ward JE and Mason, RP. An examination of the ingestion, bioaccumulation, and depuration of titanium dioxide nanoparticles by the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Mar Environ. Res., 110: 45-52.
  6. Ndu, U, T Barkay, RP. Mason, AT Schartup, R AlFarawati, J Liu, and JR Reinfelder. 2015. The use of a mercury biosensor to evaluate the bioavailability of mercury-thiol complexes and mechanisms of mercury uptake in bacteria. PLOS One, 10(9): Art. #: e0138333.
  7. Schartup, A.T., P.H. Balcom and R.P. Mason. 2014. Sediment-porewater partitioning, total sulfur and methylmercury production in estuaries. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48: 954-960.
  8. Chen, CY., M.E. Borsuk, D.M. Bugge, T.A. Hollweg, P.H. Balcom, D.M. Ward, J. Williams and R.P. Mason. 2014. Benthic and pelagic pathways of methylmercury bioaccumulation in estuarine food webs of the northeast United States. PLOS One 9(2): Article #: e89305.
  9. Jaffe, D.A., S. Lyman, H.M. Amos, M.S. Gustin, J. Huang, N.E. Selin, L. Levin, A. ter Schure, R.P. Mason and 22 others. 2014. Progress on understanding atmospheric mercury hampered by uncertain measurements. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48: 7204-7206.
  10. Gichuki, S. and R.P. Mason. 2014. Wet and dry deposition of mercury in Bermuda. Atmos. Environ. 87: 249-257.
  11. Kwon, S., J.D. Blum, C.Y. Chen, D.E. Meattey and P. Mason. 2014. Mercury isotope study of sources and exposure pathways of methylmercury in estuarine food webs in the Northeastern USA, Environ. Sci. Technol. 48: 10089-10097.
  12. Soerensen, A., R.P. Mason, P.H. Balcom, D. Jacob, Y. Zhang, J. Kuss, E.M. Sunderland. 2014. Elemental mercury concentrations and fluxes in the tropical atmosphere and ocean, Environ. Sci. Technol. 48:11312-11319.
  13. Schartup, A., R.P. Mason, P. Balcom, T.A. Hollweg and C.Y. Chen. 2013. Methylmercury production in pristine and anthropogenically impacted sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47, 695-700.
  14. Soerensen, A.L., R.P. Mason, P.H. Balcom and E.M. Sunderland. 2013. Drivers of surface ocean mercury concentrations and air-sea exchange in the western Atlantic Ocean. Environ. Sci Technol. 47: 7757-7765.
  15. Gichuki, S. and R.P. Mason. 2013. Mercury and metals in South African precipitation. Atmos. Environ. 79: 286-298.
  16. Driscoll, C.T., R.P. Mason, H.M. Chan, D.J. Jacob and N. Pirrone. 2013. Mercury as a global pollutant: sources, pathways and effects. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47: 4967-4983.
  17. Driscoll, C.T., C.Y. Chen, C.R. Hammerschmidt, R.P. Mason, C.C. Gilmour, E.M. Sunderland, B.K. Greenfield, K.L. Buckman and C.H. Lamborg. 2012. Nutrient supply and mercury dynamics in marine ecosystems: A conceptual model. Environ. Res. 119: 118-131.
  18. Mason, R.P., A.L. Choi, W.F. Fitzgerald, C.R. Hammerschmidt, C.H. Lamborg and E.M. Sunderland. 2012. Mercury biogeochemical cycling in the ocean and policy implications. Environ. Res. 119: Art # 03.013.
  19. Lamborg, C.H., C.R. Hammerschmidt, G. Gill, R.P. Mason and S. Gichuki. An intercomparison of procedures for the determination of total mercury in seawater and recommendations regarding mercury speciation during GEOTRACES cruises. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 10: 90-100.
  20. Ndu, U., R.P. Mason, H. Zhang, S. Lin and P. Visscher. 2012. Effect of inorganic and organic ligands on the bioavailability of methylmercury as determined by using a merlux.  Appl. Environ. Micrbiol. 78: 7276-7282.
  21. Porter, E.T., R.P. Mason and L.P. Sanford. 2012. Effect of bottom shear stress and hard clams, Mercenaria mercenaria, on seston, microphyobenthos and nitrogen dynamics in mesocosms with tidal resuspension Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 479: 25-40
  22. Soerensen, A.L., D.J. Jacob, D. Streets, M. Witt, R. Ebinghaus, R.P. Mason, M. Andersson and E.M. Sunderland. 2012. Multi-decadal decline of mercury in the North Atlantic atmosphere explained by changing subsurface seawater concentrations. Environ. Res. Lett. 39, Art # L21810.
  23. Schmeltz D., D.C. Evers, C.T. Driscoll, R. Artz, M. Cohen, D. Gay, R. Haeuber, D.P. Krabbenhoft, R.P. Mason, K. Morris and J.G. Weiner. 2011. MercNet: A national mercury monitoring network to assess responses to changing mercury emissions in the United States. 20: 1713-1725.

Books Edited

  1. Pirrone, N. and R.P. Mason. 2009. Mercury Fate and Transport in the Global Atmosphere: Emissions, Measurements and Models, Springer, Dordrecht, 637 pp..
  2. Harris, R., D.P. Krabbenhoft, R.P. Mason, M.W. Murray, R. Reash and T. Saltman. 2007. Ecosystem Responses to Mercury Contamination: Indicators of Change, SETAC, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 216 pp..
  3. Lipnick, R.L., R.P. Mason, M.L. Phillips, and C.U. Pittman, Jr. 2002. Chemicals in the Environment: Fate, Impacts, and Remediation, American Chemical Society Publ., ACS Symposium Series No. 806.

Special Issues Edited

  1. Hintelmann, H. and R.P. Mason. 2016. Mercury Isotopes: Probing Global and Regional Cycling and  Transformations of Merury in the Biosphere. Elementa.
  2. Mason, R.P. and A.R. Flegal. 2015. Special Issue: The Biogeochemical Cycling of Mercury in the Marine Environment. Mar. Chem. 77
  3. Chen, C.Y., C.T. Driscoll, K.F. Lambert, R.P. Mason, L.R. Rardin, N. Serrell and E.M. Sunderland. 2012. Special Issue: Mercury in Marine Ecosystems: Sources to seafood consumers. Environ. Res. 119: 1-2.
  4. Mason, R.P., J.M. Benoit and R. Powell. 2006. Special issue of Marine Chemistry – International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium. Chem. 102.
  5. Mason, R.P. and B. Lyons. 2004. Special issue in honor of Dr William F. Fitzgerald’s contribution to global mercury biogeochemical science. Chem. 90(1-2).
  6. Mason, R.P. 2001. Trace chemical species in the water column and atmosphere of the Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Res. II, 48.